Blog 6: International Women’s Week

In the first presentation, We learned about problems about Climate change, pipelines and specifically violence to women’s. It is so sad to see how the Government of Canada mistreating indigenous community and also it is so bad to see how indigenous men abusing their own women in their community. Indigenous men are thought to abuse women by the European who colonize them before.

The Government of Canada are trying to rule the lands of Indigenous people and its been so bad to see how they are treating these indigenous people in terms of this. Indigenous women are mostly violated,killed and sexually abused than other color of women. There were a presentation when Indigenous women hang some red dresses and clothes that were wear by the Indigenous women who got sexually violated and killed. Those present love,hate and mercy on what is happening to their community specially for the women and the Family who lose their love one’s, and It is so devastating to see just how some Government soldiers or police taking down all the red dresses and clothes that has been hanged.

The presentation that hurt me the most is this event. The event that shown how Indigenous community are mistreated. It really shows how we badly treated some of the community in our world. We are human and we all are the same inside and outside. No one should be treated differently in our world. They must know how to be equal in terms of Human rights specifically for Indigenous Women.

Blog 5: Friends

I interviewed my Friend about his best friend, They have been Friends since High School. They have been best friends for almost 6 years.

(Questions I asked)

  • Why are you close to your Friend?

-I’ve been closed to my friend because he is the only one who understand my personality and he is more likely to make me be better personally and spiritually. My friend is a Christian, He always enlighten me with god words and makes me feel whole specially in my saddest moments, and he is always listening to me if ever I give him advice. He understand also and he always motivate me If I ever lose confidence to face a challenge.

  • What kinds of things do you like to do together?

-The things we like together are share personal stories,basketball and bible studies. We like to share personal stories because we learn to understand each other and we have the chance to correct each others mistakes and make it better outcome. We play basketball because that’s how we build our chemistry and use it as a way to improve our friendship. We do bible study because we are christian and as a children of God we make sure we obey God and preciously embrace God commandments and share God’s message to his people.

  • Have you ever told your friend how much he means to you? If so, what did you say and how did he react? If you have never told him how much he means to you, why not?

-No, I haven’t. why? because I don’t have to because we really know that we are really true and we are really meant to be friends because of the way we show love and understand and also hospitality to each other and to others too.

Blog 4: Man Enough?

Kimmel knows all of the problems of masculinity in our society. He shared a quote saying “Institutions accomplish the creation of gender difference and the reproduction of gender order through several gendered processes.” This quote basically stating that job,school,politics and etc are gender bias. Men are mostly hired in a certain and job and women are less likely do.Politician has argue for women rights and equity before but some of our women in our society are still getting treated unequally till this days. Men are more likely to be promoted while women are still in the same position as they we’re.

In Kimmel’s perspective of masculinity, Masculinity are sectioned of behaviors and socialization. He is basically saying that Men are evolving and learning every single day in our society in terms or behavior and personality.The men in the fourth episode of Man Enough showed us how a deep conversation about emotions and feelings of a man can change a Men Ideally but It shows how can we improve and be more open to our self and our society to become a better you and a better person or a role model in this Society.

Blog 3:Status and Achievement

Dwayne Douglas Johnson (born May 2, 1972), also known by The Rock. He is an American-Canadian actor, producer, investor and retired Pro wrestler.Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is known as one of Hollywood’s tough guys and top earners, but the former wrestler-turned-actor recently shed light on his battle with depression over the years.The former Calgary Stampeders football player revealed that his depression reached its peak years later when a series of injuries led to him being cut by the CFL. Not long after, Johnson’s girlfriend left him. “That was my absolute worst time,” Johnson said. “I reached a point where I didn’t want to do a thing or go anywhere. I was crying constantly.”

Johnson made his WWF debut in 1996, fighting under the shared moniker of his father and grandfather’s names, “Rocky Maivia.” As fate would have it, he would square off against the Brooklyn Brawler who was also the first opponent of his father at a Superstars taping in Corpus Christi, Texas.The Rock dominated wrestling coverage and story lines for the better part of a decade finding the charismatic pugilist holding the WWF/WWE championship belt eight-times during that stretch. But Johnson wanted something more; a chance at Hollywood stardom.

He rose to prominence after developing a charismatic persona of a boastful trash-talking wrestler named The Rock. Johnson had his first acting role in The Mummy Returns (2001), and played his first lead role in the spin-off The Scorpion King (2002) and many more.His films have grossed over $3.5 billion in North America and over $10.5 billion worldwide, making Johnson one of the most successful and highest-grossing box-office stars of all time.


Blog 2: The Mask You Live In

Man have different attributes and behavior. They can be true and they can be fake, but most men uses their poker face to live their everyday life. The reason for this is Society has a lot of standards for a man, Such as a man can’t be hurt physically nor vocally. Being a man in this world has a lot of standards and once’s you don’t owe some standards of man sometimes society might think of you as different. As a man in this society that hurts a lot being think of as different, but a man cant do nothing with that. He can only change or accept being different. Man can only be true to the people who love them truly. They show their true feelings and true faces. Man do this to received freedom of theirs and to have a better more understanding in this world.

School now days are getting tough day by day, specially for the one that are getting bullied. It is surprising that out of 4 students, 1 student is getting bullied every day, and because of this students are likely becoming more suicidal. They feel the’re not welcome. The’re always afraid of people and worst of all they are avoiding school. Its really hard to get bullied, you loose your confidence or worst dignity. Bullying is one of the most worst cases of our school now days, But if we become more open and more understandable we could counter this case. Being open to some student is really a big thing for them, it shows them how they are really worth it and how they are welcome.

Blog 1: Man who Inspire.

Kobe Bryant aka the Black Mamba is one of the most Legendary players who ever play the game basketball. He’s also a very inspirational and a very influential person. One of the most memorable moments that he showed in this world and in the world of basketball, is when he scored 81 points in a single game and win the Nba Championship 3 times in a row. Making him the second most points in NBA history and one of the greatest player to play the game in such a young age. He got the Nickname “Black Mamba” because he is so competitive and fearless that he always studies his opponents and see how he can defeat them, like the snake named black mamba.

Kobe made a lot of history in the game of basketball. Me as a basketball player, I am always wondering in how to be more consistent, be more better in the game of basketball and be a better person also. Back when I watched Kobe in a NBA game, when I was 8 years of age. I was so amazed on how he plays the game of basketball, he got the consistency in terms of scoring, he got the mentality of never giving up and heart of being a champion. He had a quote that says”Never rest in the middle, Rest in the End.” this basically narrates that no matter how hard can life be just keep pushing yourself forward till you feel that everything you did was all worth it. Kobe got his mentality when he was 6 years old, at a very young age he plays with some grade 6 students whom are aged 12, so statistically stating his playing against players whom are double his age.He studies his opponent weaknesses to give him a better chances of defeating them, He shared this story to many of his Fans and shared also some inspirational statements that is saying “Push your self even though your body said NO, but your heart said yes. “This quote really touch me. It woke me up and push my self to my greatest version right in that moment, Me as a very lazy guy, stubborn,hopeless and sometimes irresponsible. I always make bad decisions in life but he’s statement changed my perspectives, He showed me chances in life even though your in the pit of hopelessness and hatred. He thought a lot of person including me to how to face fears the proper way which is having heart and perseverance, One of example his Heart and perseverance is when he lost to a game against the Sixers who got Allen Iverson who is also one of the best who ever play the game of basketball back is the mid 2000’s, Kobe was so devastated he right awaywent to workout and improve more of himself a day after the game, He worked every day in the off season, He trained, study and improve more in the game of basketball that after the next season he won the Nba Championship. I learned a lot from his story, that I try to emulate the same thing that he do, to face challenges in life and sports. As I try to learn the mentality that he had, I’ve learned also that vision is always important in our personal goal, without a vision of our goal. We are just drifting around and making a fool of our self. Visioning your goal every day, makes you motivated and hungry for more. This mentality help me become more discipline in myself and how to manage time the right way.

The life of Kobe is one of the most greatest true to life story that I have ever studied. Kobe shares the mentality of being a true champion and true warrior in life, He gave me joy,knowledge and hope in life that no one can ever steal from me and to others also who he inspired also.