Violence in Schools


Different reports collected from various schools are in agreement that violence is becoming rampant in many institutions. Indeed, violence happening in schools is the leading form of abuse against children. It takes varying types ranging from psychological to physical abuse. Violence in the leading schools occurs through attributes of repression, bullying, and intimidation. Despite the increase in the number of such cases in schools, most of the students do not report some of the violent incidents. They have expressed concerns that the authorities lack the mechanism of solving violence cases. Additionally, the police do not take them seriously.

Any form of violence in schools is detrimental for students, and the best solution is the unity of stakeholders.

Forms of Violence at School

Despite being in the 21st century, gender-based violence is still on the rise. The report of the survey conducted on 4000 students in Canada has given the revelation that one in every seven girls has experienced sexual assault. This is a worrying trend in schools since the aspect of reporting does not capture all the cases (Shapiro 45). Several examples are not reported for fear of victimization. Others do not report because the administration lacks clear guidelines for handling such cases. Men are also increasingly becoming victims of sexual violence. They undergo prejudice and rejection because of gender. The most depressing is the aspect of rising violence in schools committed by women.

Studies from Canada relay that 78 cases of violence were reported in schools. Further, the report asserts that 154 female teachers and two male teachers are under investigation for committing such crimes (McGuire 2). This means that women lead to committing violence in schools both in Italy and Canada. When considering 63 cases in Italy, it emerged that 81% of the evidence reflected violence in the form of maltreatment. Moreover, 19% of the victims reported having experienced a psychological form of abuse. Further reports from plan international have approximated the number of students experiencing violence yearly to be 246 million (McGuire 2). Another leading cause of violence in schools is identified as religious reasons. Today, schools are characterized by rising spiritual practices that are borrowed from different religions and sects. Yes, these various sects are involved with school violence as they fight for followers. The leadership of these groups is on the quest to extort money through their terms. They dictate and manipulate the commandments for their benefit. Through the use of confusion and dark messages, they spread fear to the students and force other reluctant students into doing their will. In this regard, religion has become a source of violence in schools.

Psychological violence stemming from the disruption of emotional balance has also been on the rise in the leading schools. Psychological abuse manifests on the restriction of ordinary activities of the students. Denigration and ridicule due to race, religion, or financial capability is another form of violence in schools. Further, the uses of threats, including intimidating languages, violate the rights of the students. Hence, they are classified as forms of rising violence in schools (Shapiro, 27). Discrimination has also persisted amongst the students and has been regarded as another leading cause of violence. Certainly, it has emerged from the CBC report that a good number of students do not report cases of violence committed against them (McGuire 1). Lack of reporting has been attributed to a hostile environment, and CBC News is enacting measures to help in restoring change and hope to the students.

Preventing Violence in Schools

Despite the rising rate of violence in schools, some measures can be taken to reduce it. One of the steps is to open communication channels with the students. When the students are engaged in communication, they disclose detrimental information about the school. This information relates to violence, drug consumption, discrimination, and their overall ideas about the schools.

Setting guidelines and limits for the children helps them understand what is expected of them. The consequences of not following the rules must also be communicated. Indeed, family rules are essential in developing a discipline for the students. Training from home translates into school discipline. This contributes to the realization of reduced violence (Matthew J. Mayer, 52). Discipline reduces force because the students are accustomed to doing the right thing at home and school.

Additionally, solving violence in schools calls for the intervention of parents, teachers, and the community. Indeed, parents must understand their boundaries and intervene to restore discipline upon their children. It is the parents’ responsibility to talk to their children when they exhibit a poor attitude that poses potential harm to other students. Monitoring and evaluation of children for potentially bad habits will significantly reduce the prevalence of violence in schools.

Finally, parents should join the violence prevention coalition because this can reduce its prevalence by 30%. The violence prevention coalition is a community-based program aimed at creating safe schools and communities at large (McGuire 2). Indeed, they work together with the schools and parents to identify potential disparities and sources of violence. Additionally, they also identify possible solutions to the problems in schools. This has significantly contributed to the reduction of violence in schools.


Violence in schools is arising disparity that needs to be addressed. There are different forms of manifestation of violence, but the consequences remain detrimental to the students. Records have shown that women are increasingly participating in oppressing students. Despite the cause of violence, critical concerns have been raised regarding solving them. Yes, solving cases of abuse in schools is a collective effort between students, teachers, parents, and the community. When all these players come together, solutions are imminent.

Works Cited

Matthew J. Mayer, ‎Shane R. Jimerson. School Safety and Violence Prevention: Science, Practice, Policy. United States: American Psychological Association, 2019.

McGuire, Jennifer. “Why CBC started looking into violence in schools.” 24 10 2019. CBC. 21 4 2020.

Shapiro, Harvey. The Wiley Handbook on Violence in Education: Forms, Factors, and Preventions. Washington, DC: John Wiley & Sons, 2018.

Blog 5 :Friends

I interviewed my high school classmate Zhang Xiaolu. His best friend is in junior high school to know, but because of studying abroad, resulting in the two separated in different places. Here’s our conversation.

1,What are you close to your friend? Be specific.

We share common interests and common goals. Our characters are complementary. We felt good and comfortable when we were playing together. We met at the games. I enjoy sharing my life with him.

2,What kinds of things do you like to do together?

I like working out with him, playing basketball together, playing games together, and shopping together.

3,Have you ever told your friend how much he means to you?

I told him that if I had a baby, he would be my child’s godfather. But we do n’t have a lot of emotional expressions. I think men will feel each other and do n’t need too much verbal modification.

We can see from our conversation. Men do not express their emotions in words like girls do. Men think it’s lyrical. But I think maybe they also think it would be mistaken for homosexuality. But from the point of view of “No Man is an Island: Men in Relationships”. At present they are in the stage of good friends, and they all know that they can’t cross the border, they are also unwilling to say insults or have close physical contact.

Blog 4 :Man Enough?

Michael Kimmel wrote in the article: “Institutions accomplish the creation of gender difference and the reproduction of gender order through several gendered processes.” In the article, he cited several specific examples in the article about gender order being regulated Impact. He mentioned in the article that the system of employees seems to be equal, but work is still greatly affected by gender. Similar to the secretary is usually done by women, because loyalty is required. These prejudices inadvertently assign work to specific genders can affect creativity and gender order. As we saw in “Enough People”, they are discussing what specific molds men should have. According to the distinction of gender, to simulate what a man should be and what kind of person he should be. This has a great sense of system and oppression for men themselves. Men will obey and do more than they expect, and they have reached the point where they are truly noticed.

Masculinity refers to the social roles, behaviors and means prescribed for men in any particular society and at any particular time. It therefore emphasizes gender, not physical gender, and the diversity of identities between different male groups. Kimmel mentioned the word masculinity in his summary. This does not show that masculinity is the trait that men need to reserve, but it only increases the diversity of identities. Masculinity is not a distinction between genders. A person cannot be determined by his or her gender, but a person’s behavior.

Blog 3 :Status and Achievement

His name is Laurent Duvernay-Tardif. He was born on February 11,2019. He is a Canadian medical graduate and American football guard for the Kansas City Chiefs of the national Football League. He is the first medical graduate to play in the NFL and the first to win a Super Bowl. He started playing football at age 14 until now. He attended McGil university,and he has achieved a lot in football. He balanced college football with his studies in medicine, prolonging his studies over eight years. In a 2014 article in Sports Illustrated, Joan Nielsen said that he “was practicing just once a week – and he was still the best college player in Canada.

I saw the qualities of hard work, perseverance, courage, persistence, and patience in him. In this article, writer is described“successful in everything they do, especially in sports, work, and sexual ‘conquest’. Powerful men earn respect and admiration of the others.”(Status and Achievements.) Laurent fits every feature perfectly. His success in sports and his position in Canada have been very successful. He completed a highly difficult medical education and succeeded in sports. He is a very good example about this paragraph.

Blog 2: The Mask You Live In

“I can’t be myself,” is the phrase I hear most often when I watch this film. The film gave me the most significant feeling is that I found around the boyfriend also has the same trouble. He grew long hair but was often mistaken for a woman, which made him uncomfortable. Some common words often affect their brains and thoughts. They will start to think. Boys should not cry; boys should not feel afraid; boys should become active and productive, to bring happiness to the family. I can feel that this is not what they think, and society’s perception of men affects everyone. They often don’t feel who they are, and they can’t be themselves because they’re male.

Another point is that the slightest act of intimacy on the part of a boy is considered gay. For some men, being gay can have negative consequences. When they are mistaken for gay men, their first reaction is helplessness and dislike the word ‘gay.’ And the girl, I have a very good girlfriend, go to the toilet together, go to school together, hold hands and hug. We were also misunderstood as lesbian, but we were not uncomfortable with it, and we treated it as a joke, and it didn’t affect us at all. Genetic differences also influence behavior and thinking. So I think there are small differences between boys and girls at birth. But it shouldn’t be as deformed as it is.

In the book that Carlos Andres Gomez wrote that he often wanted to express his love for his family and friends, but he did not know how to express his true feelings. He was very disappointed. Because he often disguises his real thoughts, he does not know how to express them. This phenomenon, I also see from the film. Many men don’t know how to express themselves. They hide their feelings and weaknesses because “real men” don’t show weaknesses. This is not the kind of freedom that is advocated in today’s society, the views of the community always influence them, and that strikes me as deplorable.

Blog 1: Men Who Inspire

In my life, the person who inspired me most was my father. A father is a person who doesn’t talk much but gives a lot of action. He is a very responsible person. He is the best dad in the world to me. He advises me on what decisions I want to make, but he never forces me to follow his wishes.

Studying abroad is a turning point in my life. When I was studying in China, I was always a person with many ideas. My father knew my personality and gave me suggestions for studying abroad. And he will listen to a lot of my ideas. Every time I mess up something or think of giving up. My father would tell me “do what makes you happy.” This is a great relief to me.

For me, it is better to urge me to do something than to encourage me to do something. He made me feel that no matter what I did, he would always get his support behind me. If it fails, it is life experience. If is succeed, celebrate together.

I see the characteristics of he are responsible, patient, attentive, courteous and listening. He listens patiently as I tell my thoughts, and doesn’t interrupt me. If he has other opinions, he will wait for me to give advice or encourage me. He would agree with me and show a willingness to listen. He is the most important being in my life.