Blog 7:final project violence at school

Not all of people can tell you interesting stories about their schools how much they enjoyed it who their first best friend name was or  talk about their first childish love.Instead they have terrible memories they avoid to talk about so they forget many bad memorize that happened to them.
There are many different reasons that causes people to have bad experiences in school, but of course bullying is the biggest cause of psychological, emotional and physical pain.
From the documentary (the mask you live in) they showed us how 1 in 4 boys reports being bullied at school and how only 30% of those who are bullied notify adults.
I once discussed  about this issue with my friend I asked him:in your opinion  what is the reason that makes boys violent at a certain young age. He said to me: When I was young I translated love with violence. If one of my friends did something I felt it was wrong I would beat him because in my subconscious mind its okay to do that my parents loves me so much and they do that when I do something wrong.
In this semester we have learned about the nature of men and how they construct their personality to be stronger, stubborn, and angry, in order to suit the requirements for the ideal man based on society needs.
And the school itself is a small society and in it boys begin to learn more about what is required of them to become men and from here the pressure begins for them.From a young age,boys have learned that they cannot cry and cannot reveal their feelings scared of the fact that other kids will bully them for being soft and sensitive ,so The only way to remove these dark and negative feelings is by violence and anger.we saw from the documentary (the mask you live in) how Ashanti Branch did an activity with his student were they take a mask and they write in front of it what represent them what they let people see and in the back he told them to write  what they don’t let people see.most students wrote in front happy, fun, power ,goofy ,and back side were love, sadness, anger, fear.They are scared of showing their emotions because they will show weakness and this is will lead them to being not men enough or not being real men.
All  of the reasons I talked about above showed how boys didn’t  knew the right way to translate their feelings and express their pain and how does the word real man start its stress from a small age for a man.
In conclusion, what should happen is teachers or people who are authorized in behaving the boys should focus more about what causing the problem rather than the problem itself, they need to spend more time talking to the bully try to let them talk to know what is happening inside their mind that causing all this negative reflections.Because in the end there is no bad person. All people have their circumstances and experiences that forced them to make a mistake. And of course having  people who can be listen and help them will successfully transform the lives of many young men.