International Women’s Week

Throughout the first International Women’s week, Lucy Everett and Jen Gobby talked about the indigenous society. They talked about men abusing indigenous woman. They were forced to go to these reserves where they were taken away from their culture and families. They were also abused in that place as well. These men present violent characteristic which is also talked about in Kilmartin’s definition of “adventurous and aggressive” men.

In the second presentation we went to, Nadia had issues with her culture and especially wearing a hijab. She talked about how her parents immigrated to Canada and her father was mostly discriminated by white men. For example, she explained how he got beat up from his car and that the police were unable to capture the perpetrator. The people that witnessed it happen were trying to catch the person as well but he went in the next bus and the bus driver wouldn’t stop the vehicle.On the 2nd day, the topic was about Living in the Shadow of Law 21 where were two incredible women in front of us shared their stories. Nadia claims to be a proud Muslim, even after all the trauma her and her family has been through. In 2019 the Bill 21 became a law, Nadia is doing a campaign for the rights of every Muslims in order to wear her hijab while teaching at John Rennie High School. There was also Laïty Fary Ndiaye, who is a black Muslim. Laïty says that the Law 21 was supposed to respect the laïcity. She is part of a collective group that talks about different women with different religions. These women are there for emotional support and help each other through what they have to go through on a daily basis.

These two presentations helped me learn and understand that everyone faces many obstacles either because of their religion,race,etc. From what we learned in class, masculinity always played a major role in our society.Which for indigenous people and muslim women can be relatable to each other.Everyone is goes through different expectations,realities and injustices because of what society expects us to be. These issues are still present today, when it shouldn’t be.Our generation shouldn’t let these things happen and should make changes for our future.

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