
I don’t see myself as a political person and I don’t like to get myself involved in any political arguments ,but surprisingly I found myself very interested in the topics that Lucy and Jen discussed during the presentation of climate change, pipelines, and violence against women.
It caught my attention when they talked about how Indigenous women and girls are representing16% of all female homicides in Canada, while constituting only 4% of the female population in Canada,and how 80% of people displaced by climate change are women.knowing that women are excluded from making decisions about climate change although they are the highest percentage of people who are affected by climate change.
Throughout this course we learned a lot of men stereotypes who take advantage of the power they have to achieve their plans and uses their power over the people who doesn’t have any power or who are ignored by the government or society.after this presentation I learned a lot about topics that never interested me, and I know now that even one voice could make a difference.

There’s a very meaningful sentence I learned in my life it’s which is you always have to listen to both side of a story.Before the presentation of living in the shadow of law 21.I agreed with bill 21 because I thought it is better for us to deal with people without knowing their religions and it was better to resolve decisions away from racial discrimination in order to fight sectarianism.Nadia and Laity spoke about a lot of problems and obstacles that faced them because of racist people, and how they were dealing with difficulties only because of their religion, nationality or color.after hearing Nadia’s story, how bill 21 affected her life,work,and future, to develop in a career she chose and loved made me change my mind about agreeing to this law.In my opinion, there are many people who don’t reveal their beliefs or religion to public but at the same time they are racist to people from other religions.In conclusion we cannot fight racism with a law that affects specific people more than others and is preventing them from performing their religions duties and beliefs.

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