Blog 6: International Women’s Week

In the first presentation, We learned about problems about Climate change, pipelines and specifically violence to women’s. It is so sad to see how the Government of Canada mistreating indigenous community and also it is so bad to see how indigenous men abusing their own women in their community. Indigenous men are thought to abuse women by the European who colonize them before.

The Government of Canada are trying to rule the lands of Indigenous people and its been so bad to see how they are treating these indigenous people in terms of this. Indigenous women are mostly violated,killed and sexually abused than other color of women. There were a presentation when Indigenous women hang some red dresses and clothes that were wear by the Indigenous women who got sexually violated and killed. Those present love,hate and mercy on what is happening to their community specially for the women and the Family who lose their love one’s, and It is so devastating to see just how some Government soldiers or police taking down all the red dresses and clothes that has been hanged.

The presentation that hurt me the most is this event. The event that shown how Indigenous community are mistreated. It really shows how we badly treated some of the community in our world. We are human and we all are the same inside and outside. No one should be treated differently in our world. They must know how to be equal in terms of Human rights specifically for Indigenous Women.

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