Blog 6: international Women’s week

Last week was international Women’s week and I have attended two sessions at the auditorium with my class. During these sessions women that play a big role in our society spoke about indigenous women and Muslim women facing racism, discrimination and, the bill 21 which made me learn a lot of stuff that I didn’t know before.

First of all, I have learned that climate change mostly affect women in those areas. It doesn’t affect only women in rural areas but globally they are more likely to experience poverty and also to have less socioeconomic power than men. In this case, it makes it difficult to recover from disasters which also affects infrastructures, jobs and also housings. In my opinion, men will always be less affected since if they lose a job, it will be easier for them to find a new one compared to women since in some areas people still think that men are superior to women. Some companies in those areas will not hire a woman for example in construction since they think it is a men job but Women’s also work in construction in our days.

Secondly, I have learned that the bill 21 mostly affects Muslim women’s since they wear the hijab. It only affects them since in the other religions people only wear something like a necklace that they could easily hide from the others. I have also learned that most women who wears the hijab get treated like shit. They get treated differently than everyone else and they mostly get comments like being a terrorist. Everyone has a bad first impression towards them. In my case, I have witnessed people in real life say bad things about Muslim Women’s without even speaking once to them. Muslim women are more likely to get intimidated in the work field compared to people form other religions. 

In conclusion, I have learned that climate change affects women more than men in most cases and also that the bill 21 mostly only affects Muslim women’s and doesn’t really do anything to any women from other religions.

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