Blog 5: Friends

For my interview, I decided to talk to a friend that is my age that I met online a few years ago. I think interviewing someone I have never met in real life can be good because they don’t need to be scared of what they are saying to me.

In the first question, when I asked why he is friends with his best friends, he said that it is partly because they have known each other since they were children and have been to school together since kindergarten. They have stayed friends for this long because they can trust each other completely and his friend has always been there for him.

In the second question, when I asked what he likes to do with his friend, he answered that it is because they like to do activities together. He said that they like playing games together, going out to eat, drinking together and stuff like that. Basically things that are very similar to what the typical definition of a man would be. They also like playing sports and going to each others house to “chill”.

When I asked the third question on if he ever told his friend how much he meant, he said “no, we don’t need to say it to know that we are best friends, it is obvious”. He has never told his friend how much he means to him and just assumed that he knows. My interviewed friend said that if they talked too intimately it would get a bit awkward and they would start messing around.

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