Blog 5:Friends

The person I interviewed is Michael Cachiotti. His best friend is Julian Pelligrino. He’s been friends with him since secondary 1. They are both 17

1)Why are you close to your friend? Be specific.

Michael is very close to his best friend because Julian is someone he trusts a lot. No matter what the situation is, Julian is always there for him. They don’t go to the same school but everytime they see each other, it’s like they’ve seen each other for a long time. Julian always makes Michael laugh which is why their bond is good. When Michaels uncle passed away, it was very hard for him because he was very close to him. Julian was the first person that Michael turned too.

2)What kind of things do you like to do together?

Michael and Julian spend a lot of time together. They like going to Mcdonalds to hangout, they play hockey together and they are in the same soccer team. In the summer, they play soccer together and after they go eat an ice cream. They spend a lot of time together just doing anything.

3)Have you ever told your friend how much he means to you? If so, what did you say and how did he react? If you have never told him how much he means to you, why not?

He’s never told Julian why he means so much to him because he has never thought of it. He told me that men don’t really talk about that stuff. Men keep their emotions to themselves. He also told me he doesn’t feel the need to tell him “Why he means so much to him”.

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