Blog 5: Friends

For this blog post, I decided to interview my best friend and twin brother Ryan about our relationship as best friends. Here’s how it went.

  1.  Why are you close to your friend? Be specific.

Going into this question I already knew what to expect as the answer because its quite obvious but he responded with something along the lines of “you’re my twin I have no choice but to be close with you” which makes sense however when I asked him to go into more details it was hard for him. I tried to ask him some follow-ups such as “If we weren’t brothers would we still be friends” and more questions like that however he didn’t seem comfortable answering anything and when he did he would just joke around responding with answers such as “you’ll never know I guess” etc…

2. What kinds of things do you like to do together?

In my opinion, this question went best because we do almost everything together. He responded exactly how I would have to say things such as “we play video games together, we play sports together, we laugh together” etc… However, one answer that caught my attention was “We fight together” which is true. When I asked him to go further into detail he said ” There is no one in this world that can piss me off more then you do” and as mean as it sounds to say but I understood exactly where he was coming from. Ryan and I spend so much time together we can annoy the hell out of each other but we always get past it rather quickly. I knew deep down there was also no one that made him laugh as much as I did but no way he was saying that out loud.

3. Have you ever told your friend how much he means to you? If so, what did you say and how did he react? If you have never told him how much he means to you, why not?

His response was “I never tell you because it’s self-explanatory” which I think I agree with. Ryan and I just have an unspeakable bond that’s greater than just being twin brothers. Were best friends and we kinda just know that no matter what we come first in each other’s lives. There’s no need to say it out loud.

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