Blog 5: Friends

Why are you close?

My friend and I are close because we have a very similar view of life and how it should be. We both see the same problems in the World and offer the same solutions. We both like same things that other people find odd or weird. We both like doing the same things and doing them together. We both have precisely the same taste in women. We both want to be rich for the same reasons. When we are put together, we are a great pair. I am his way of exteriorizing his thoughts, and he is my conscience of right and wrong 😛

What kind of things do you like to do together?

We like going out together ; dancing, drinking (when I used to drink), singing. Basically, we love partying together. We also like playing the guitar together, whenever we have time. Whenever one of us goes out on a trip, we always arrange to meet in a small restaurant to catch up on how the trip was and what happened in the city while the other was away. But what we really love to do the most is train in martial arts and parkour! We both want to be ninjas who will be able to survive the next zombie apocalypse.

Have you ever told your friend how much he means to you?

I don’t think so. But I believe I show it to him whenever I can. Whenever he goes away on a trip, I offer to bring him to the airport. For the longest time, I would drive him home after karate class, even when he wasn’t on my way home. I get him gifts sometimes. Once, I paid for one of his karate camps. When I’m away on a karate trip on which he couldn’t come, I manage to film fights that I know he’d like.

How did he react?

No specific reaction. I know he knows, and he does things for me too. We just know.

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