Blog 5: Friends

The person i chose to interview about his best friend is my dad and his friendship with his friend of 18 years, Pat. 

  1. My dad is very close to his best friend and has been for very long. They both enjoy doing the same things and have very similar interests which is why they have remained friends for so long. When my dad met his bestfriend, he can tell that he was someone that would be genuine and would be someone that my dad can become best friends with. Throughout his life, my dad has met many people through his friend groups, jobs, and everyday experiences. He said that Pat was someone that he can count on and that he would be someone that is always in the mood to have a good time.
  2. My dad and his friend are very similar in many ways. They both are very into fishing and hunting, and go almost every weekend in the summer together up north. They also share the same liking of sports teams and sports in general. They attend hockey games and even played badminton for many years together. They have been on many roadtrips to toronto and other places in the US. My dad and his friend are two people which have many interests and hobbies which is why they never get bored and always find something to do.
  3. My dad and his friend are two people which don’t often share emotions bery much. They tend to be more closed off in general with their feelings, but they have told eachother that they appreciate the other in their lives. Through ups and downs, they both know who they can talk to and who will always be there to give advice and offer help if needed. They have both experienced many things which have brought them down in life, but their friendship had allowed them to be open with eachother and to knoe that they got eachother in any time they need help. My dad is someone that associates himself with good and genuine people and doesn’t appreciate temporary friends. My dad’s friendship with Pat has lasted very long because of their similarities and constant interest in new things. People that are genuine and real are hard to find, but my dad’s friendship with his bestfriend has 

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