Blog 5 : Friends

For this blog, I interviewed my friend Mehdi: A 18 years old man.

1: How did you met your bestfriend ?

I met him because we have a common friend and he presented us. Since the first days, we got along and we started chilling together.

2: Why are you close to your friends ?

When we first met, we directly got along and since we are from the same country, we have a lot of cultural references in common. During the first months, we were good friends but not enough to consider ourselves best friends. But when I broke my ankle, he was the one of the only one that came to see me. Since then, I realized that he was a true friend and it has been now 6 years that we are best friends.

3:What kinds of things do you like to do together?

We are both sedentary people so we don’t go out so much. We would rather go to each other’s house and stay there and discuss, play video-games, or watch movies. We stay in my basement and discuss all day about everything while eating and it is like this all day, every day during all the summer.

4: Have you ever told your friend how much he means to you? If so, what did you say and how did he react? If you have never told him how much he means to you, why not?

No. We both come from an african country and disscussing of our emotions between men is not something that we do and it is seen as a weak thing to do. Even if we have never expressed our feelings, we both know really well that we mean a lot to each other and we both value a lot our relationship.

The relationship between Mehdi and his bestfriend has many of the characteristics described in the Kimmel’s writting. They both don’t express their feelings but still feel close to one another. Also and what struck me during the interview is how he really start considering him as his best friend after he came to see him when he broke his ankle. He really like the action and it changed their relation completely. It is written in Kimmel’s writting that ” the most important attributes of a close or best friend was knowing that he would be there for you…”. And for Mehdi, It was a really important thing and it created a true friendship between him and his best friend.

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