Blog 5: Friends

For blog-post 5 , I decided to interview and ask my father about his relationship with his best friend. He told me that his best friend is called Abed and they have met each other at school and have known each other since they were grade 5 so for more than 40 years and till now they still best friends and their friendship turned to be a close relationship between their families ( wives and children) .

1. Why are you close to your friend? Be specific.

My father said that he is very close to his friend because he has been knowing him for 40 years and still having the same relationship as they were when they have met at school at the age of 11 , they share the same interests as watching television and especially football games, and films , they are both fans of the same football teams ( Barcelona and Brazil) . My father and his best friend were sitting in the same desk at school and they share the same emotional characteristics of being caring , supportive and secrets houses of each other. And this proves the results of the researches in the article No man is an island that friends have things in common and this what make their friendship stronger and longer.

2. What kinds of things do you like to do together?

My father’ answer was: I like spending hours with him , when i was young we used to do a sleepover nights in each others houses . we do lots of things together , we hang out eating together , watch football matches , family visits , helping each other in doing homework , doing volunteer work in the same place , sharing secrets , constructing promises that we will be friends for ever and this turned to reality , even if each one of use married and have children we still hang out in families and also even each one of us is in a country we still have the same relationship and we still communicating on a daily basis. And this illustrates that true friendship is not just about sharing things in common , friendship continuity is based on being supportive to each other remaining the same quality of relation with time.

3. Have you ever told your friend how much he means to you? If so, what did you say and how did he react? If you have never told him how much he means to you, why not?

My father ‘ answer shocked me , he told me that he always tell his friend how much he means to him and that his friend’s reaction is always the same , his friend also keep telling him how much he means to him . I asked my father why do you tell your friend about his meaning to you ? he told me that as men they are supposed to be with no emotions as society imposes them to be but in relationships and especially male friendship,telling your friend how much he is important for you means that you support him to know that his presence is important for you and for men talking about emotions is what they miss so telling your friend how much you love him makes him feel his importance and thus you become a social and emotional support for him because sometimes friends can be your family and this what make friendship lasts longer and remain stronger because friends are not just for the happy days they are also for sad days , you really need them .

” A friend in need is a friend indeed”

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