Blog 5: Friends

For this interview, I decided to ask my brother, Theo, the questions about his best friend. They’ve known each other since secondary 1. It’s been a little over 5 years of friendship for them and they’re both 17.

1. Why are you close to your friend?

My friend and I have been very close friends for over five whole years at this point and we both grew up together. We’re still friends because we have good chemistry and are always willing to help out and support one another, leading to a healthy friendship.

2. What kinds of things do you like to do together?

You’ll probably find us playing a video game together. It’s usually a single player game and we just take turns because that’s always more fun. Aside from that, we walk a lot and just talk about anything that comes to mind while outside. If not the latter then we will occasionally bike together or go do some activity like watch a movie or browse a store.

3. Have you ever told your friend how much he means to you? If so, what did you say and how did he react? If you have never told him how much he means to you, why not?

I have told my friend how much he means to me. In my life, I’ve come by very few people who just “get me”. If you’re lucky enough, you’ll find an entire group of friends like that where everyone is in-sync. If you spend enough years with a friend you both eventually become comfortable enough to show some “brotherly love” and that’s exactly what we do. It’s usually a simple “I wanted to remind you that you’re one of my closest friends and I really appreciate our bond”. Or even an “I love you, you’re the best.” on the rarer occasion. I cannot remember how either one of us would’ve reacted upon hearing that for the first time but nowadays it’s mutual and we’re always reciprocating.

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