Blog 5: Friends

  1. Do you show affection to your best friend in public? If yes, how?

“I do, yes. But with a handshake. Because it is something that no one else but us can do.” (Marc)

  1. Why is Keven your best friend?

“I guess he is the most convenient person and also my cousin which strengthens our relationship.”

  1. What do you like about Keven?

“His sense of humor, and the way he’s able to have logical thinking when it comes to making decisions.” 

  1. Can you rely on him for emotional support? Can you show your emotions in front of him? 

“He’s not really good at comforting people so there no point of being sad in front of him, maybe not every kind of emotion. He’s not emotional or capable of comprehending other people’s emotions.”

  1. Do you ever feel any competition between you both?

“I wouldn’t say there’s a competition but a desire to always be on the same level. I would say we’re out of sync.”

  1. Do you love your best friend? Why? 

“Yeah, I love him. I guess we have so many memories together, and so many possibilities together that he means a lot to me.” 

  1. Are you ever afraid that other men would consider you and your best friend’s relationship as “gay”?

“Yeah. I’m attracted to girls, in the past I’ve had comments like that, and it makes me 

question my identity.”

  1. Do you ever hug your best friend? In public?

“Rarely. Because we are not touchy people. I prefer hugging the opposite sex unless I’m really emotional or optimistic, like happy, I wouldn’t hug any guy.” 

  1. What kinds of things do you like to do together?

“Try new foods, try new restaurants together, we like first experiences together. Most of the time when going to an event, we like to go together to have each other’s back. We also are interested in clothing and like the same base of style and brands, we talk about materialistic things that interest us.”

  1.  Have you ever told your friend how much he means to you? If so, what did you say and how did he react? If you have never told him how much he means to you, why not?

“Yeah, I told him a couple of times when I was super intoxicated. And he says it back too. He likes to reciprocate the love shown to him.”

  1. Would you change anything about your relationship? 

“I wouldn’t change anything. It doesn’t matter the relationship I have with the person, I have my own method of being comfortable with people.”

(Marc and Keven)

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