Blog 5: Friends

The people who I chose to interview are none other than both of my coworkers. The reason why I chose to interview not one but two of them, is to get two different perspectives since both my coworkers are very different but somehow manage to perfectly fit society’s definition of perfect men.

The first man I interviewed goes by the name Eduardo. Eduardo as a person is caring and affectionate. He plays more of a “protector” role with everybody. His best friend happens to be his girlfriend of two years. He considers them to be very close because she’s the only person who never fails to make him smile. In addition to this, they have the capacity to communicate through the good and the bad. He even admitted that his girlfriend brings out the best version of him, even in times of sorrow. Together, they love to go on adventures around Montreal: whether it be discovering new places to eat or watching the latest movie with his lover. From what I hear, they tell each other that they love one another every single day and every single time after hearing those three words, his girl shows off that huge smile of hers. Eduardo relationship correlates with the strong bonds in “Man Enough”.

Arnold is the name of my other coworker. Describing him is the exact midpoint of both a pesky child and a wise Elder. One characteristic that both Eduardo and Arnold share in common is: they are both soft at heart but prefer to show their aggressive side, just like how any man is expected to behave. Arnold’s best friend is a man he met in daycare. They remained close for years because he is able to talk to him in a free manner. In his words, “he has the least amount of filters with this friend in particular”. Together, they like to call themselves the kings of ridiculing people for no reasons to be specific. However, even if their friendship has been strong for 12 years, he never once told him how much his best friend meant to him because it never crossed his mind. He correlates with the phrase from the reading “taking risks and getting in trouble” (p 161)

To briefly conclude the topic of friendships for both my coworkers, the thing that I observed is the admiration given to another half is different compared to one of a male best friend. The reasoning may be due to media portrayal and how society works in general. In books, movies, and even music videos, the relationship between a male and female generally happens to be shown filled with hugs and kisses. Whereas, two male friends tend to be depicted more verbally than physically.