Blog 4: Man enough?

It is mentioned on the third page of “Masculinity” by Michael Kimmel that “institutions accomplish the creation of gender difference and the reproduction of gender order through several gendered processes.” By stating this he is explaining that the various institutions in our society have expectations based on a persons gender. These differences vary from having boys and girls stand in different lines in elementary school to separating men and women in prisons and treating them differently. This statement relates to the fourth episode of “Man Enough” when they were discussing how boys are expected to enjoy and be good at sports which puts extra pressure on them should they not fit into that box.

On the fourth page of Kimmel’s article, he states that “understanding how we do masculinities…opens up the unimaginable possibilities of social change.” The use of the word “masculinities” in this quote describes the immeasurable multitude of possible definitions for male gender norms, per culture, and social standing within ones culture, etc. The use of this term is preferable as it encompasses all definitions of masculinity rather than just one. And, reminds the fact that masculinity is an arbitrary adjective withheld only by a culture’s respective construction of reality. In “Man Enough” they discuss how important it is for North American society to stop imposing limiting social norms ruled by gender. These limiting expectations cause many issues for all members of society as they enforce things such as rape culture, toxic masculinity and reinforce bad mental health practices amongst men and boys.

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