Blog4:man enough

Micheal Kimmel gave a lot of exampels for his readers to prove his point on how institutions are themselves gendered.He talked about the workplaces, the field of medicine, any typical academic career a scholar completes a PhD.he explained the problem when he said ‘’ genderless people are assumed to be able to devote themselves single-mindedly to their jobs, to have no children or family responsibility, and perhaps even to have familial supports for such single-minded workplace devotion.Thus,the ‘’genderless’’job holder turns out to be gendered as a man. In the fourth episode of man enough Karen Alston talked about what happened to her at her first job how her boss one night told her he wanted to date her and he told her what was the perks of dating him how he will give her perfect marks, days off and he will let her buy clothes and shoes and suits.i could really see how a lot of man thinks that women can’t get their job done without them.

Kimmel uses the term of masculinities Because it recognizes the dramatic variation in how different groups define masculinity even in the same society at the same time.Kimmel talked about how doing gender is a lifelong process of performances and how is gender an emergent property of interactions coerced from us by others. At the end of the documentry They explained why they are doing the documentary how they are helping to learn more about respecting women also to give the tools that they learned to the next generation so they don’t have to make the same mistakes they did.

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