Blog 4:Man Enough

On page 3 of “Masculinity”,  Micheal Kimmel writes, “Institutions accomplish the creation of gender difference and the reproduction of gender order through several gendered processes.” he means that men are disproportionately represented in many institutions including law, in politics, in schools , and the economy. In politics, there are far fewer women than there are men. Also, there are jobs that women and men but the women are paid less because of their gender. However, Women have made great strides in increasing representation in many of these professions. In “Man Enough” men are expected to play sports or to be all tough. They are expected to be the main income of the family.

On page 4 of “Masculinity”, Michael Kimmel says,”Understanding how we do masculinities…opens up the unimaginable possibilities of social change.” Michael uses the word masculinities because since numerous gatherings in the public eye characterize masculinity in various ways, some characterize it as somebody who doesn’t communicate their feelings and battle them, who doesn’t need assistance from anyone.This person is more of an independent person. Many people characterize it as someone who has no disgrace in communicating feelings and demonstrating helplessness. This relates to “Man Enough” because every single person at the dinner table has different ways to define masculinity. This all depends on how they were brought up or where they came from.

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