blog 4 : Man enough

When Michael Kimmel says “ institutions accomplish the creation of gender difference and the reproduction of gender order through several gendered processes” in my opinion, he is talking about the discrimination between man and women at work since a lot company owner’s will see men as superior compared to women and they will often give more benefits or a higher salary to men. In a workplace it should be gender-neutral since the person who hustles the most to get work done should get a better salary but like it says in the text when there is a male as the owner the norm becomes invisible. This is often because men think that women are not right in what they do or say. This brings me to relate to the scene in “Man Enough” when the old lady got abused and she asked for help from a group of men, they didn’t believe that she got abused.

The use of the word “Masculinities” recognizes the variation in how different groups define masculinity. Kimmel uses the plural since everyone has a different definition of the word masculinity which is why he wants to refer to all of them. I can relate “understanding how we do masculinities…opens up the unimaginable possibilities of social change” to the “Man Enough” episode when at the end they talk about how they will listen to other people’s problems so they can help them have a better perspective of life and treat women better which will make a social change in the future .

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