Blog 4: Man Enough?

Gender neutral is what the institutions wants to achieve however, theres still traces of gender inequality. It’s a distinction between male and female, masculine and feminine. He means that female can’t take the role of a male, because there’s a disadvantage for female such as their emotion and action that can’t be like male, that men and women have different tasks, that they have different responsibilities, that women have difficulties to balance the lifestyle of a motherhood and have a hard time to commit to their professions. That can lead men to have the job considering their experiences in the workplace. Therefore, it’s an inequality of gender in institutions. Furthermore, in episode of Man Enough, a topic that men brought up was about domination over women. I can relate on that topic because in our society that is how men portray themselves. In any workplace, men are usually getting the job, the highest they could possibly get in compared to women because they’re capable of doing hard tasks. Also, I learned from them that it’s their job to dominate women and that’s being taught that women are of less value. And they also talked about the gender differences, basically how they learned from the society. To correlate the quotation and the episode of Man Enough, having inequality in gender and having a gendered institution are basically harming men. They got influenced by what the society wants them to be therefore, at the end, they tend to hurt women intentionally or unintentionally. With or without the institution, there should be an equality between men and women.

Masculinities have different definition depending what individual or group of people think of masculinity. He uses it because we, as an individual person, have our own opinion and values. Masculinity has different impact because the word refers to social roles, behaviors that emphasize gender. The quotation is referring to men who wants to change their lives, to have better lives. Leaving behind all the things that they did wrong to women and to be better men. Those men are the ones who are in Man Enough. I believe that they can change the society by encouraging others, by telling other men to just listen to women, support the person and respect them. If women get sexually assaulted, just listen and believe them and that way, women can have a strength to speak up.

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