Blog 4: Man Enough?

  1. In this statement, the author is stating that gender roles and gender differences have all risen from the way the culture and society has formed it to be seen. There are certain things which were “made” or “fit” for a man, and the same for women as well. The creation of these gender differences arise from past habits where women are seen as being the stay-at-home mom, and cleans and cooks for the family. Men are seen to be the breadwinners, and provide for the family. These two simple gender roles which have been put into society prove the fact of how the creation of both past and present gender differences come from society’s habits. In the episode which we watched in class titled “Man Enough”, the men sitting around the table go on to elaborate on how in their personal lives growing up, they discovered gender differences and grew into them. Some of these differences have brough personal shame on them as they did fall into the traps of disrespecting not omly women, but also for falling into the stereotypical statements for men in society. 
  2. Kimmel speaks on these masculinities in meaning all the possible statements and stereotypes which are put onto a man and what a man should be. The daily habits and hobbies of a man which create society’s “man” and exactly what he should act like. Kimmel speaks on how understanding these masculinities can open up the conversation for unimaginable change for society and the culture. In stating this, Kimmel is trying to convey the message of how understanding the true  idea of being a man and masculinity can allow many people to realy understand that there is more to a man than what society pushes us to think. This relates to the fourth episode from “Man Enough” as the men speak on how they also have felt confused as to what a man should act like towards women and others in society. Their masuclinities and what makes them who they are have been misunderstood in the past, and have also confused them, making them men which have made mistakes in the past with behaving respectfully in society. There is more to madculinity than what meets the eye, and in this episode, the men speak on this exact idea and why is it something that must be widely spoken of to everyone so they can see that it takes alot of effort and experimentation in order to become someone that you are proud of, and to be someone which society respects.

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