Blog 4: Man Enough?

By stating that “institutions accomplish the creation of gender difference and the reproduction of the gender order through several gendered processes” (Kimmel, 3), the author is trying to imply that people are attempting to make big moves involving gender equality. For example, gender neutral bathrooms, and genderless jobs. In correlation to Man Enough, the topic “men and women cannot be just friends” arises. If two men and/or two women strangers have the right to go to the bathroom, the rules should be for a man and a woman.

The reasoning behind the use of the term masculinities in the phrase “understanding how we do masculinities, then, requires that we make visible the performative elements of identity, and also the audience for those performances” (Kimmel, 4) is because it is in fact, the plural form of it. The author uses this term instead because its definition is not stabilized. It changes over the course of a person’s life. For instance, on Man Enough, many boys follow the “guy code” and consider that as being masculine. However, some men realize how ignorant this “guy code” is so they change their behaviour later on.

Also, “there are different forms of masculinities across the different cultures. Some cultures encourage men to be stoic while for other cultures, it is simply based on civic participation.” The definition for masculinities change over time. For example, its meaning is different today as to its meaning in the 17th century. “Masculinities also changes over the course of a mans life”. Certain experiences and milestones shape a man.


“#Me Too.”Youtube, uploaded by Wayfarer Entertainment, 26 July 2018,