Status & Achievement

Lebron James is a professional basketball player for the LA Lakers. He has many accomplishments like receiving NBA championships, NBA MVP awards and many others. He even built a school in his hometown. His qualities includes leadership,hardworking and courageous.With his talent for basketball, Lebron James was the first player to be picked for the 2003 NBA Draft straight out of high school. The Cleveland Cavaliers signed him to join their team.Outside of the NBA, he established the “LeBron James Family Foundation” in 2004 to help out children and single-parent families in need.Kilmartin Smiler in their textbook The Masculine Self, men are expected to be task-oriented,they are supposed to hide their own fears and weaknesses. Lebron James does the opposite by being inspirational towards his fans and loving his family even if he looks like a “tough guy” on the outside.Brannon’s Themes of masculinity in terms of status and achievement fits when describing Lebron’s status and achievements of since he became known and successful in the NBA.

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