Blog 3: Status and Achievement

A good example of a successful man in his status and achievement is my inspirational man “The Lord Steven Smith Baden Powell ” .

Robert Baden-Powell (1857-1941) was a military officer who helped protect Britain’s imperial empire for over 30 years. He was especially talented in military scouting. Baden-Powell was a prolific writer who often chose his military experiences as the subjects of his works. He is best known for starting a worldwide scouting movement.

Robert Baden-Powell was born Robert Stephenson Smyth Powell on February 22, 1857 in his parents’ house in London, England. His father, Professor H.G. Baden Powell was a vicar and a professor of natural science. His mother, Henrietta Smyth, was Professor Baden Powell’s third wife. The couple had seven living children together, of whom Robert was the fifth, and they also raised three children from the vicar’s previous marriage. Baden-Powell’s father died just after his last child was born, when Robert was only three years old. In 1869 Henrietta changed the family name to Baden-Powell out of respect for her late husband.

Mrs. Baden-Powell educated her children in the outdoors. Through long walks in the country, she taught them about plants and animals. They were also allowed to read books from their father’s collection on natural history. Baden-Powell’s formal education started with a Dame’s School in Kensington Square. In 1868 he attended the Rose Hill School in Tunbridge Wells, where his father was also educated. Two years later he won a scholarship to the Charterhouse School in London. In 1872 the school moved to Godalming, which was surrounded by woodlands known as “The Copse.” The wilderness was an important part of Baden-Powell’s childhood experience. As a schoolboy, he did not excel either academically or athletically. He was mainly interested in the outdoors and theater.

It was during this last appointment that Baden-Powell really began to develop his ideas about the scouting movement. In 1904 he attended the Annual Drill Inspection and Review of the Boys Brigade in Glasgow, where the founder, William Smith, had recruited over 54,000 boys. Smith had asked Baden-Powell to rewrite his book Aids to Scouting for a younger audience. According to Michael Rosenthal in The Character Factory, this gave Baden-Powell “the vision of a British society made strong by legions of well-disciplined, morally upright, patriotic youth who found their satisfaction in defending the interests of the empire and following the orders of their superiors.”

Since Baden-Powell was still occupied as inspector general of the cavalry, it took a few years to put his ideas into action. In 1906 he wrote a short paper called “Scouting for Boys,” where he put some of his ideas into print. His vision for scouting was strongly influenced by three of his contemporaries, William Smith, Ernest Thompson Seton, and Dan Beard. Seton and Beard had started similar youth organizations in the United States. This small paper turned into a six-part series called Scouting for Boys, which was published between January and March of 1908. The series included the first publication of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. This series then led to an official weekly magazine, called The Scout, which increased the visibility and appeal of the scouting movement in the public’s eye.

In the summer of 1907 Baden-Powell acted upon his ideas and ran a demonstration camp for boys on Brownsea Island off the coast of Dorset. Twenty-two boys, from ages 10 to 17, took part in the weeklong exercise, which consisted of camping, cooking, tracking, singing, and storytelling. This was the beginning of what was called “unquestionably the most significant youth movement of the twentieth century ” in Michael Rosenthal’s The Character Factory.

Brannon’s Themes of masculinity in terms of status and achievement do fit when describing the contribution ,rank and achievement of Lord Baden Powell because Baden Powell was a successful man in his achievements and his major achievement is creating the first and the most important youth organization in the world , his achievement of founding this amazing educational movement that educate millions of youth around the world , and the fact that the system of the scout is similar to the system of military is very unique to Baden Powell .

Even if Baden Powell had passed away but still his achievement and contribution remaining to remind us of his rank and importance work and dedication to the education of youths.

Baden Powell wrote a lot of books that we still relay on it in the education and progression of our youth in the scout and those books are:

Baden-Powell was regarded as an excellent storyteller. During his whole life he told “ripping yarns” to audiences. After having published Scouting for Boys, Baden-Powell kept on writing more handbooks and educative materials for all Scouts, as well as directives for Scout Leaders. In his later years, he also wrote about the Scout movement and his ideas for its future. He spent most of the last two years of his life in Africa, and many of his later books had African themes.[11]

  • 1908: Scouting for Boys
  • 1909: Yarns for Boy Scouts
  • 1912: The Handbook for the Girl Guides or How Girls Can Help to Build Up the Empire (co-authored with Agnes Baden-Powell)
  • 1913: Boy Scouts Beyond The Sea: My World Tour
  • 1915: Indian Memories (American title Memories of India)
  • 1915: My Adventures as a Spy[19]
  • 1916: Young Knights of the Empire: Their Code, and Further Scout Yarns[75]
  • 1916: The Wolf Cub’s Handbook
  • 1918: Girl Guiding
  • 1919: Aids To Scoutmastership
  • 1921: What Scouts Can Do: More Yarns
  • 1921: An Old Wolf’s Favourites
  • 1922: Rovering to Success
  • 1927: Life’s Snags and How to Meet Them
  • 1929: Scouting and Youth Movements
  • est 1929: Last Message to Scouts[76]
  • 1932: He-who-sees-in-the-dark; the Boys’ Story of Frederick Burnham, the American Scout[77]
  • 1933: Lessons From the Varsity of Life
  • 1934: Adventures and Accidents
  • 1935: Scouting Round the World
  • 1936: Adventuring to Manhood
  • 1937: African Adventures
  • 1938: Birds and Beasts of Africa
  • 1939: Paddle Your Own Canoe
  • 1940: More Sketches

And most of his books are available online.

Sources: › humanitarian › baden-powell › wiki › Robert_Baden-Powell,_1st_Baron_Baden-P…
Robert Baden-Powell, 1st Baron Baden-Powell – Wikipedi
a › robert-baden-powell
Robert Baden-Powell Facts – Biography – YourDictionary

Miryam Sioufi

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