Blog 3: Anti femininity

Harry Styles was born on February 1st 1994 and gained fame through his former band One Direction. He’s been a prominent figure in the music industry for the last decade, having set records with his group thanks to their immense following.

I think he’s a perfect counter example of anti femininity. In the text, it is said that boys are taught to avoid “feminine” behaviours or interests as well as avoiding showing signs of emotion to appear “weak”. Harry Styles has been praised time and time again for being so bold when it comes to his fashion choices. He’ll wear clothing that doesn’t traditionally appear to be “for men” but rather something that he feels comfortable in that expresses what he’d like to show. He’s also stated in the past that his fashion inspiration is actually Shania Twain.

He’s very in touch with both his masculine and feminine sides which make him overflow with confidence onstage and offstage.

Additionally, he does not shy away from talking about his feelings. He’s a very open man and speaks highly of his female audience in interviews. He’s an open advocate for the LGBT community and usually picks up a few flags and will wave them around onstage during his tours.

Harry Styles strays away from a “normal” man’s man and follows his desires. His fearlessness in being authentic is what makes him so lovely. Again, this is why he is a wonderful example of anti femininity.

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