Blog 3: Anti-femininity

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Donald Trump

Throughout history it was always typical that men have more rights than women, higher positions, higher salaries, were almost always for men. But as times went by, women were slowly starting to be heard more, but it still wasn’t enough. There were still people who were old minded believing in the same old principals that men should always have the higher hand in everything.

First-wave feminism was a period of activity during the 19th and early-20th centuries, women started fighter harder and stronger for equal rights. Since then they have been heard more, people from every position have started supporting them, even some presidents claimed to support the act like Barack Obama. His support of this claim gave women more opportunities to spread their message around America and even to the world.

 But since he resided from his position as a president, Trump being a stereotypical anti-feminist has taken his place. When he was asked about supporting feminism, he simply said that to be with women is to be against men. In addition to that, there were many interviews of him trashing women and calling them inappropriate words. He also has been accused by several women of sexual misconduct which he hasn’t been interrogated about since he is of course the president of the united states, meaning that he still has the upper hand in everything he does.

But in opposition to him, a lot of women didn’t vote for him and have continued fighting for their rights. Which, in my opinion, have succeeded in shutting his views in women and letting them do what they want because he knows that if he tries to do something to stop them, they, among men and even other countries, will not let him do that without fighting their hardest.


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