Blog 3 : Antifeminity

If Antifemininity can be described as a lack or a rejection of the feminine needs and interests, this man is the complete opposite of what an antifeminist. The man on the picture is Denis Mukwege, a congolese gynecologist, born in 1964. He specialised himself in the treatment of women victims of rape by the armed rebels. He is the opposite of the stereotypical man that feels superior than women. In an era where many societies tolerate rape culture, Denis decided to do something against the problem. His actions are even more commendable because he operates in one of the most deprived area of the world.

In the article of we read, Antifemininity translates in a need to avoid profession considered as feminine. And for many, gynecologist is considered as a feminine job since it is directly related to women. Antifemininity is also not caring for women’s needs because it could makes man look feminine or even gay.

In conclusion, I consider Dr. Denis Mukwege a perfect counter-example of antifemininity. He didn’t gave importance to stereotypes and clichés and did what he think was good no matter what people said. He decided to help women and understood their needs.


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