Blog 3: Status & Achievement

The theme of masculinity that was assigned to me was Status & Achievement. This theme is represented by men who always win, who succeed in everything in every field (women, money, family, etc).  It’s represented by men who think everything is a competition, and don’t ever do something only for their good. Gandhi is the opposite of all of that, and that’s why he is the person I chose.

Mohanas Karamchand Gandhi was an Indian lawyer. He used non-violence to lead India’s Independence. He is born October 2, 1869 and he died January 30, 1948. Everything Gandhi did was for his country. He was not someone competitive, someone who wanted a lot of conquests, etc. He didn’t care about all of that, all he wanted was peace in his country! He is the absolute opposite of what men are ‘’supposed’’ to be, the opposite of what we can read in Status & Achievement. Gandhi was respected all over the world because he made a difference in the life of a country, and that’s why I chose him.

In conclusion, I chose Gandhi for this blog because like I said previously, he is the opposite of what I read in the theme of Status & Achievement. He is someone good, someone who does everything for himself and his country, he doesn’t care about the competition, conquests or even gaining other men’s respect.


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