Blog 3: Inexpressiveness and Independence

When we think of men, we often think of inexpressiveness and independence (Brannon, David, 1976). Once such movie character that embodies this idea is James Bond. He never needs or seeks help from others, but solves his problems all by himself. Also, when he is put under extreme pressure, he still manages to stay in control, without cracking or showing emotions.

Image result for james bond daniel craig"
Daniel Craig playing James Bond

One movie character that shows the opposite behavior of James Bond is Spencer from Jumanji. He is not confident and depends heavily on his friends to solve problems. In fact, when he is “sucked” into the video game, he soon realizes that he must find a way to get out of it. However, he panics and loses control of his emotions and relies on others to solve the problem. Only thanks to the help of his friends does he finally regain composure and confidence.

Image result for Spencer Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle spencer"
Spencer from Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

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