Blog 3: Adventurousness and Agressiveness

Ed Sheeran is a singer-songwriter born on February 17th 1991 in the United Kingdom and is known for songs such as “Shape of you” and “thinking out loud” Ed gained popularity on Youtube and released his debut album + in September 2011. His second album, x became the second best selling album worldwide in 2015. Ed is one of the world’s best selling music artists having sold over 150 million records and having two albums in the list of best-selling albums in UK chart history.

Ed is a good counter argument for men being adventurous and aggressive as he does not demonstrate typical aggressive characteristics and is a very kind and gentle person. Ed is from a catholic family and sang in his local church choir from the age of four. He keeps his personal life private and is completely inactive on social media when he is working on new music. He does not try to flaunt his fame and does not make aggressive music. His goal is just to spend time with the people he loves and play music that puts a smile on people faces while remaining humble.

The textbook describes masculinity as “a willingness to take (physical) risks and become violent if necessary”. Ed is the opposite of this as he has never been a violent person. He always stays humble and genuine during interviews and does not yell at paparazzi. His songs are most often calm and about love. He des not write about violence nor act in such a way. For these reasons I believe him to be a good example against aggressive and adventurous masculinity.


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