Blog 3 – Adventurousness and Aggressiveness

Image result for shaggy from scooby doo"
Shaggy Rogers from Scooby-Doo

According to Deborah David and Robert Brannon, there are four main characteristics found in American masculinity. One of these is a man’s willingness to perform risks that could lead to violence or physical pain.

A man with this trait ignores rules and has little to no respect towards authorities. This characteristic does not necessarily have a goal behind it; it is more of a guidance as to how a man can attain certain goals. America’s society has painted an image where “[…] bravery is prescribed for men while caution and cowardice are proscribed.” (6) At an extereme level, men of this nature condone violence and are more willing to take physical risks.

A fictional character that opposes this trait is Shaggy Rogers from Scooby-Doo. The protagonist is well known for his cowardliness and effort to avoid the adventures at all costs. He prefers to eat over solving mysteries and runs away from anything that scares him. Shaggy is the exact opposite of aggressive, being a slacker and trying his best to stay away from physical activity. Despite his lack of aggressiveness, he is kind and caring to his group of friends, especially his best friend Scooby-Doo.

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