Blog 3: Anti Status and Achievements

A man who is a counter example of patriarchal masculinity in terms of status and success

Joseph f Gordon Levitt

Joseph Gordon Levitt is my favorite person in the world. He is one of the most well rounded actors and potentially people in all of Hollywood. He has starred in so many roles that he is literally a 180 to the stereotypical male celebrity. My favorite thing I think he’s ever done is his beautiful portrayal of Neil McCormick’gay hustler suffering from past of childhood sexual and violent abuse from “Mysterious Skin” or his role in “500 Days of Summer” as hopeless romantic Tom Hansen. His versatility in his career makes him a catch. Now I know what your saying, he’s an actor, he gets paid to act like that and it could have nothing to do with his real personality… but that’s where you’re wrong. The mere fact that he picked those roles shows that he has no shame being pinned as one them, not only that but it definitely gives us insight into his persona. He is definitely one of the most well rounded actors in Hollywood with his flamboyance and charm.

He has been active in the acting world since he was just a little bean; at the age of 4 he played the Scarecrow in a production of The Wizard of Oz. He also did commercial such an adorable pop tart, commercials for Sunny Jim peanut butter and more. His roles include 1992’s “Beethoven”,1998’s “Sweet Jane”,the notable 1999 “10 Things I Hate About You” as well as his role in “Manic” as Lyle, a young boy placed in a medical institution from his mental health issues. His later roles like Don Jon, a porn addict with a unsatisfying sex life. His ability to take on any role is the main reason why I believe he perfect fits the mold or in this case doesn’t fit the mold of patriarchal masculinity. He has played characters that represent the internal conflicts most men keep concealed. He’s dabbled with characters that deal with PTSD, mental health issues, child sexual abuse, the prejudices associated with homosexuality, cancer, rejection, pain, sadness, joy, you name it he’s done it. He really is a shoo in of it all. He is 🥺married to Tasha Mcauley and two beautiful boys.

Overall he’s just an amazing person… his effervescent aurora makes him oh so dreamy and on top that he’s kinda cute. Anywhosies… it’s important that we highlight and celebrate people who express themselves with so much openness and self respect that other people’s opinions don’t actually matter anymore. Not only has he inspired me to be more open and free about self, my personality, my sexuality, etc, he’s also shed a light in a topic that has been shunned in the past, the topic of, that I mentioned in my previous post, that masculinity and femininity are like two sides of the same coin… they are intertwined within each other… there is honestly no such thing as being a man or being a women…. that in the end their is simply being human… and that belongs to every individual who roams the earth.

He identifies as a feminist and thanks his mother for making him the fabulous man he is today. He uses his talent and kindness to achieve his status.

Now despite my overly obvious infatuation with the man I present to you today… he obviously has his shortcomings… but like… isn’t that so human.

Xoxo, Izy Ewart

Stay gorgeous 💋

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