Blog 2: The Mask You Live In

The 2 aspects that really jumped out to from this documentary was the emotions that boys would hold in and the fact that they would get bullied based on their masculinity. They talked about how the would get judged if they show any sort of emotions when something would bother them because showing them would make themselves seem weak. In our society, boys are shown to be strong, be a “man” and emotionless, but it is proven that 90% of man experience pain. One of the boys in the documentary explained that he would cry himself to sleep since he had no one to talk to. He nearly killed himself and the only way to deal with his depression was with drugs. I honestly think it’s not fair as a female because it isn’t easy to hold in all the emotions and boys shouldn’t struggle with that feeling. The fact that they would get bullied is just unacceptable because the “victim” won’t be able to do anything about it but just “man up” and use violence to solve their problems.

In the book that Carlos Andres Gomez wrote that caught my attention was when he was trying to be with this girl he met to figure out his sexuality. I didn’t think that was a good idea because she also have feelings like another human. But what I liked about her is that she mentioned it and noticed that he wasn’t really into her. I feel like for us girls it’s easy to noticed those type of things because some guys just want you for different reasons, in my experience. They talked about it and the started to build a relationship to see how things would be which I find very interesting.

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