Blog 1: My Father

If there’s one man in my life who inspires me above all others it would have to be my dad. At the young age of 16, my father started his own company cutting grass. He already had a couple of employees and lawnmowers and was already making more than most of his teachers in high school which is why he decided to drop out of high school at the age of 17. My father flew to Belgium a year later and met my mom who he would marry and have his first kid with at the age of 20. By this time my dad’s company was doing better than ever. He employed my grandfather and my mom and was shaping his company into becoming more of a landscaping company and less of a lawn mowing company. My dad started with nothing but a lawnmower and a few of his buddies and quickly with no help from anyone or anything but his ambitions built a company. Over time my father grew his company into a source of income for hundreds of families including his 4kids who he sacrifices everything for. My father is the ultimate role model in my opinion because he started from the ground up, proved everyone wrong who said he wouldn’t make it without a high school degree and showed me how to see past people doubting me.

Blog 1: Brendon Urie

A man I have found inspiring since childhood is Brendon Urie from the band Panic! At the Disco. He is the only remaining member of the band but continues to release music as Panic!. He joined the band which was founded by his friends while he was still in high school even though he did not have the support of his parents. They kicked him out of the house when he dropped out of school to focus on the band. The first album released after the departure of all other members of the band was written entirely by him and all the instruments were played by him other than the horns. The album was a tribute to him running from instrument to instrument in his garage, trying to figure out songs he’d heard on the radio. One story I find very inspirational is that of the bands first Reading festival. People were not very supportive of the band at first because they did not deem them “punk” enough. Due to this, someone threw a bottle at Brendon’s head, knocking him unconscious. When Brendon woke up he immediately told his band mates to get back on stage and keep performing. This got the band more respect from the punk rock community and their following shows have mostly all been successful. Brendon demonstrates perseverance and dedication and for this I find him inspiring.

Blog 1: man who inspire me

When I think of people who inspires me they need to have certain things in there character to motivate me to grow myself into a better version of me.I have different idols for every part of my future self.when it comes to men who inspires me they must have the top men standards to help shine the little man inside me and there’s no one who can do it better than Harvey Specter he is a character in my favourite series “suits”.He is confident loves challenges ,cocky knows how to manipulate people to get where he wants,he’s a smart man who knows what he wants, he’s the best in his field ,and he’s intelligent he can win all conversations .I’m really aiming to build this part of my personality where mixing between the man and women inside me to help creat the best version of me.

Carine Saiori 

Blog 1: Men who Inspire Me

A man that inspires me is David Bowie!!! Not only is he considered one of the most inspirational figures in the music industry, he is also an amazing LGBTQ+ member and ally. He pushed all the boundaries of what it means to be a man, he was not afraid to show his quote on quote “feminine side” and in my words was a literal legend. He has many awards and rightful so. He was never scared to expose himself and despite the prejudice he faced for his forms of self expression, he never let it get to him. Not only is he what it means to be a man but more importantly he’s the pure definition of what it means to be a f human being. He was and still is ICONIC. My favorite songs from him are probably ‘Fashion’ and ‘Let’s Dance’.

David Bowie is widely known for his outrageous outfits and his musical transformation into his altar ego Ziggy Stardust, where he sports a funky getup and a lightening bolt across his face. Songs everybody knows him for are ‘Space Oddity’ and ‘Under Pressure’. As open as he was, Bowie did keep some things about himself personal, like his battle with his health, and in 2016 he lost his battle to liver cancer, which surprising us all, as we weren’t aware of his condition. Leaving behind him was a family, friends, fans and an incredible music career that will forever burn bright.

-Iz Ewart

Pictured below is David Bowie rocking one of his notorious looks:

Blog 1: Man who Inspire.

Kobe Bryant aka the Black Mamba is one of the most Legendary players who ever play the game basketball. He’s also a very inspirational and a very influential person. One of the most memorable moments that he showed in this world and in the world of basketball, is when he scored 81 points in a single game and win the Nba Championship 3 times in a row. Making him the second most points in NBA history and one of the greatest player to play the game in such a young age. He got the Nickname “Black Mamba” because he is so competitive and fearless that he always studies his opponents and see how he can defeat them, like the snake named black mamba.

Kobe made a lot of history in the game of basketball. Me as a basketball player, I am always wondering in how to be more consistent, be more better in the game of basketball and be a better person also. Back when I watched Kobe in a NBA game, when I was 8 years of age. I was so amazed on how he plays the game of basketball, he got the consistency in terms of scoring, he got the mentality of never giving up and heart of being a champion. He had a quote that says”Never rest in the middle, Rest in the End.” this basically narrates that no matter how hard can life be just keep pushing yourself forward till you feel that everything you did was all worth it. Kobe got his mentality when he was 6 years old, at a very young age he plays with some grade 6 students whom are aged 12, so statistically stating his playing against players whom are double his age.He studies his opponent weaknesses to give him a better chances of defeating them, He shared this story to many of his Fans and shared also some inspirational statements that is saying “Push your self even though your body said NO, but your heart said yes. “This quote really touch me. It woke me up and push my self to my greatest version right in that moment, Me as a very lazy guy, stubborn,hopeless and sometimes irresponsible. I always make bad decisions in life but he’s statement changed my perspectives, He showed me chances in life even though your in the pit of hopelessness and hatred. He thought a lot of person including me to how to face fears the proper way which is having heart and perseverance, One of example his Heart and perseverance is when he lost to a game against the Sixers who got Allen Iverson who is also one of the best who ever play the game of basketball back is the mid 2000’s, Kobe was so devastated he right awaywent to workout and improve more of himself a day after the game, He worked every day in the off season, He trained, study and improve more in the game of basketball that after the next season he won the Nba Championship. I learned a lot from his story, that I try to emulate the same thing that he do, to face challenges in life and sports. As I try to learn the mentality that he had, I’ve learned also that vision is always important in our personal goal, without a vision of our goal. We are just drifting around and making a fool of our self. Visioning your goal every day, makes you motivated and hungry for more. This mentality help me become more discipline in myself and how to manage time the right way.

The life of Kobe is one of the most greatest true to life story that I have ever studied. Kobe shares the mentality of being a true champion and true warrior in life, He gave me joy,knowledge and hope in life that no one can ever steal from me and to others also who he inspired also.

Blog 1: Men Who Inspire

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“The most worth-while thing is to try to put HAPPINESS into the lives of others” Lord Baden Powell

These inspirational words were said by The Lord Robert Steven Smith Baden Powell , who is The cheif and the founder of the scout around the world. Baden Powell was born on 22nd february 1857 in Paddington London(England) and died on 8th January 1941 in Nyeri ( British Kenya)

If I want to talk about baden powell’s acheivments and contribution it would last for tommorow because he is an amazing person and his words contributes a lot to my life and personality and i have learned a lot from his story .

if you want to know why i consider this person my inspirational man , i would say because he created and found the most influencial and first world youth organization that helped and still helping over 4 million youth to create there personalities based on amazing books and words , and i am one of those millions of youths that were influenced by his amazing words .

His words had influenced me a lot resulting in me choosing to be a member of this youth world organization from childhood and now continuing his mission of working with the youths and trying to influence them the same way Baden Powell`words has done for me , now i am working with the scout here in Montreal in a scout group responsible for youths from 7-9 years old .

It may seem a strang or exggareted expression but if you do a analysis for my blood you will see scouting in the results .

Finally the greatest lesson i have learned from Lord Baden Powell was that wherever you are or whatever you have try to put happiness in the lives of others because this will make you fell like you are the happiest person on the earth and when you leave this world try to be touchable person in the life of others.

For me an inspirational person is a person who you can memorize forever for his contribution to your life , you have learned a lot from him and also tought him a lot. An inspirational person is someone who touches your life , who was beside you in your difficult moments as well as your happy , who support you in every step you do .

Miryam Sioufi

Blog #1: A Man Who Inspired Me

Of all the great leaders and inspirational speakers that have changed the world in their various ways, the person I chose for this blog is my brother Joshua. Josh is 25 and is without a doubt a young reckless soul, however his wisdom and experience in dealing with whatever life can throw at him precedes his age.

I grew up with Josh, and always remember him being the cool and rebellious big brother any wide-eyed child could dream of having. This was at a time before I understood mental illness and how it could change one’s life. As I grew older I saw how he had been affected by anxiety and depression throughout even our childhood. I recently was told that he is my half brother. This was news to me, and it did nothing but deepen my appreciation for him. His entire life he had been dealing with his own issues but he never once failed to be a good brother to me.

When I think of someone inspirational I can’t help but picture my brother: the man who was there for me even though he wasn’t sure if he was a part of our family. The qualities that make him inspirational are the same ones that make him a good big brother. Selfless, real, kind and resilient. Most importantly, he’s always glad to be there to pick someone up when they’re feeling low, no matter his own situation. I can’t express in words how his battle with identity has inspired me, and pushed me to always try to be the best me I could possibly be.


A male who inspires me would be Elon Musk. Amongst his multiple achievements and hardships throughout his life you can discover a comedic and cheerful man. I also consider him a perfect example of a man. Why? Well because he does what is right, despite money and power he focuses on delivering, to the best of his abilities, technology that betters life on earth. From electronic cars to launching satellites he does it all. What really inspires me is that no matter what he keeps trying. He choses to count his victories and learn from his failures. Very genuine and smart he power and pioneers us into the new age. He makes it that we want to be like him and achieve the same success rather than envy him.

Blog 1: The man that inspire me.

The only person I can think about is my brother Aiman. I am the man I am now thanks to him.

He taught me the importance of never letting someone get under my skin while staying true to myself. I think I never saw him get angry at someone no matter what, and that’s true strength.

He’s a genius at school with a bachelor in physiotherapy and he almost finished a bachelor in mechanical engineering. But he decided to stop school to focus on his dream of becoming a karate world champion.

This proves to me that, sometimes, the risk of following your dream is more fulfilling and can open you to a whole new world than if you were to follow the normal course expected from society.

If life was a dark road that you need to follow, my brother is the bright light that I decided to follow.

Blog 1: My Father

The man I chose who is inspirational to me is my father. My father came to Canada in 1992 with no money in his pockets. Even though he has a electrician’s degree back in India which has no worth here in Canada. My father struggled a lot in the beginning, at one point he was homeless and sleeping a bus bench. Ever since he came here in 1992, my father worked endlessly, job to job, ending up being a trucker. Having a steady income, in 1998, he got married and fell in love with my mother and had me three years later. My father had a difficult past, he lived without a father and I believe it’s the reason why he is an excellent father.

At one point, everything was going well in his life, he had another child and owned five trucks. But by sheer bad luck, he lost all of those trucks by theft, accidents and mistrust leading to shortage of a lot of money. He told my mom to take me and my younger brother to go to India, because he had no ways to provide us. My mom refused him and stood by him. From that day, my father worked harder than ever without changing his love to us. Now, my father is successful, has a wonderful marriage with my mother for almost 20 years and has two kids in college.

For me, being inspirational character to others, is somebody who goes through tough moments in their past or present and uses those moments to become a better person by preserving and putting efforts.