Blog 1: Men who inspire me

The man who inspires me the most is my dad. My dad inspires me because he never gives up. I want to be like him when I grow up. His life has not always been easy for him, but he suceeded and always got everything he wanted. He always worked very hard to get to where he is now, and I admire that. He started with nothing, and now he has everything he ever wanted! My dad has a really big heart ; he forgives everyone, even when they don’t ask for it! When he sees that someone needs something, he’ll give them what he has. I look up to my dad because he always sacrificed everything for me, and that means a lot! Finally, for me, someone who is inspirational is someone who works hard and never gives up even if it’s hard! It’s also someone who always wants the best for people, who helps people who need help, etc. 


Blog 1 : man who inspire

When it comes to inspiration, the first and only person that pops up in my head is my great grand-father Mohammad Zahir.

I unfortunately don’t remember him since I only saw him once when I was 5 years old before he died.

But through time and time, I always heard about him and when I knew who he was I immediately felt goosebumps, and that’s how I knew who my inspiration is.

Well let me tell who this man is and why he inspires me a lot.

Starting with his childhood, he had a little tough life. His family wasn’t financially good enough and getting his education was hard since his family weren’t educated a lot. So, he had a lot of struggles growing up, but he had hope. He always knew that there’s something better that is waiting for him. And so, he worked his maximum effort, always giving his best with everything and everyone. He never said no to anyone and he was super humble and generous even though he didn’t have that much to give. He simply never said no to anyone.

When he became 20 years old, he decided to open his little pharmacy for work. Through his reputation everyone started buying from him, knowing that he won’t ever cheat or scam anyone. and so, his business started growing more and more by the time, until he opened his own pharmaceutical company. And even though he started having much more money than he used to have, he never bragged about it or did anything stupid with it. He always tried donating and giving the poor as much as he could secretly. And because he was so generous, this one company turned into 3 companies that are the best in my hometown to date.

All this going on in his life, when you really get to meet him, he was the kindest and wisest man you’ll ever meet. His smile never left his face and he always had faith; he was always positive even though sometimes life was harsh on him. He really changed people’s lives. The day he died, lots and lots of people showed up at his funeral and started telling their stories about him, and that’s where everyone knew that there was so much more good he was doing but he kept it for himself because he knew showing off isn’t the way to live life happily.

To this date he is still mentioned by people about how good of a man he was and how he will forever be someone that will change people’s perspectives about life and I’m happily one of them.

Thanks to him, I learned that to live life happily, you should always have hope, you always have to be humble and generous, because what you give to the world, is what you are going to get back.