Blog 1 written by Ileana

One of the firsts examples that came to my mind when thinking about an inspirational man, was Uncle Iroh from the tv show Avatar the Last Airbender. Uncle Iroh seems to be able to remain calm and to enjoy life. At the same time, he guides his nephew through decisions and difficult times. He focuses on others and learns from different people. He listens to others and is extremely patient with his nephew. He always has good advice and is ready to help everyone even strangers.

In our world, I think Martin Luther King has been an inspiration for many of us. The way he chose to fight peacefully over violence and hatred is admirable. I would hope all of us can learn something from his actions. He decided he wanted a better future for children of color, so he went against the violation of human rights. And his speech is known by plenty of people now days as well as the phrase: “I have a dream”

I think that, to be inspirational, a person has to be an example of what you aspire to be or do. Someone can inspire people because of his work, his music or art. On the other hand, someone might be an inspiration because of the values that he or she possesses. They can also be inspirational by presenting to you new perspectives and a way of life that you may want to follow. In conclusion, someone that gives us a lesson or insight in our life.  

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