Blog 1: My Father

If there’s one man in my life who inspires me above all others it would have to be my dad. At the young age of 16, my father started his own company cutting grass. He already had a couple of employees and lawnmowers and was already making more than most of his teachers in high school which is why he decided to drop out of high school at the age of 17. My father flew to Belgium a year later and met my mom who he would marry and have his first kid with at the age of 20. By this time my dad’s company was doing better than ever. He employed my grandfather and my mom and was shaping his company into becoming more of a landscaping company and less of a lawn mowing company. My dad started with nothing but a lawnmower and a few of his buddies and quickly with no help from anyone or anything but his ambitions built a company. Over time my father grew his company into a source of income for hundreds of families including his 4kids who he sacrifices everything for. My father is the ultimate role model in my opinion because he started from the ground up, proved everyone wrong who said he wouldn’t make it without a high school degree and showed me how to see past people doubting me.

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