Blog 1: Men who Inspire Me

A man that inspires me is David Bowie!!! Not only is he considered one of the most inspirational figures in the music industry, he is also an amazing LGBTQ+ member and ally. He pushed all the boundaries of what it means to be a man, he was not afraid to show his quote on quote “feminine side” and in my words was a literal legend. He has many awards and rightful so. He was never scared to expose himself and despite the prejudice he faced for his forms of self expression, he never let it get to him. Not only is he what it means to be a man but more importantly he’s the pure definition of what it means to be a f human being. He was and still is ICONIC. My favorite songs from him are probably ‘Fashion’ and ‘Let’s Dance’.

David Bowie is widely known for his outrageous outfits and his musical transformation into his altar ego Ziggy Stardust, where he sports a funky getup and a lightening bolt across his face. Songs everybody knows him for are ‘Space Oddity’ and ‘Under Pressure’. As open as he was, Bowie did keep some things about himself personal, like his battle with his health, and in 2016 he lost his battle to liver cancer, which surprising us all, as we weren’t aware of his condition. Leaving behind him was a family, friends, fans and an incredible music career that will forever burn bright.

-Iz Ewart

Pictured below is David Bowie rocking one of his notorious looks:

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