Blog 1: Men who Inspire

A person that has been an inspiration to me since my childhood is Saku Koivu, a former centre and captain of the Montreal Canadiens.

On September 6th 2001, Koivu was diagnosed with Burkitt’s lymphoma. Even after receiving such devastating news, he stated that he wouldn’t give up and that he would win this fight. This incredible strong spirit and perseverance led him to recover fully and return on the ice on April 9th 2002. In the years following his remarkable recovery, he created the Saku Koivu Foundation which helped provide Montreal with its first PET/CT, located at the Montreal General Hospital, as well as fund Cancer & Trauma initiatives in collaboration with the Montreal General Hospital Foundation. To me, what qualifies someone to be considered an inspiration is their positive impact on the world; it is their selflessness, their courage, their generosity, their optimism… Saku Koivu makes you want to be a better person, to help others and to never give up, no matter how dire the situation seems. He has taught many – he has taught me – that there is more to life than winning a hockey game; winning is knowing that you have made someone else’s life better.

April 9, 2002. Saku Koivu returns from cancer and receives a standing ovation from fans, teammates and visiting team.

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