Blog 1: Men who inspire

Image result for peter tabichi"

For my inspirational man, I chose to go with Peter Tabichi, a Kenyan science teacher at Keriko Mixed Day Secondary School.

I picked this man because of his devotion and willingness to give back all of his goods to his community. He donates around 80% of his monthly salary to help his school and children in his local village. Not only has he given a lot of money, but he also started a peace club and teaches locals how to grow better crops so that they stay healthy. Because of all of these acts of selflessness, he obtained the status of the 2019 Global Teacher Prize winner. This prize is a competition that receives over 10000 teachers worldwide.

After winning his 1 million dollar prize, he stated in an interview that “He plans to use the money from his win to improve the school and feed the poor.” (global news) Because of all of these previous selfless acts of kindness, I am sure that he will keep helping his community in many various forms.

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