Blog 1: Man who inspire

My father was a real man, and he was the man who inspires me all though my life. 

My father was tall, handsome and good natured. He had a good reputation for his good temper and could get along with our relatives and neighbours. He often tried his best to help our relatives and neighbours when they need help. He told me that people were living in a group, where people could gain more power and achieved better life, and members in the group should support each other. Now I am a helpful and happy person with many good friends and harmonious relationship, and I think this is own to my father.

My father was a good husband and father. In the environment where my parents lived, a husband often had more advantage and power in a family; however, my father respected my mother and was willing to put her in the most important position in our family. On the other hand, my mother refused to accept any other man and have been singled for 20 years since my father passed away. She says she is not alone.

My father was extremely brave and strong even if he was facing the death. When doctor told my parents my father got a career and had only one year to live, my mother burst into sorrow and despair; however, my father never showed any sadness before my mother. He always comforted my mother with the thought that he didn’t feel any pain and malaise, maybe he would live for a long time. On the other hand, he tried his best to earn and save more money for my family. He told me that he didn’t fear going to heaven where everyone would go, but he did worry about the life of our family without his support.

My father is my hero. He inspired me to face and overcome the difficulties in my life with his sense of responsibility, his optimism and his courage, and I will inherit these good qualifies to inspire my children.

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