blog 1: men who inspire

Sidney Crosby is a Canadian hockey player who plays for Pittsburgh. He plays in the national hockey league which is known as the (NHL). He was the first overall pick in 2005, he is known as the best player in the NHL right now. The reason why he inspires me is that he is currently 32 years old and he is still working really hard to get better even though he is the best already. In the case of other good players, we would often see them slow down and get worst since they often get too confident. I met Sidney Crosby two years ago by luck when I was in Mont Tremblant for the weekend during Christmas break. He was training at a hockey outdoor rink by himself while his girlfriend was sitting in the car because Sidney Crosby was using his girlfriend’s boots as cones since he didn’t have any. I went to talk to him and he told me that whatever you do in life, you always have to fight to get better. Sidney Crosby really inspires me since he never gives up and he always hustles to get better at someone that he’s already the best.

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