Blog 1: Men who Inspire

Everyone has someone who inspired them the most. Some might be a celebrity and others might be a teacher or a friend.  In my case, my role model is my brother. His name is Michael Wu and he is 21 years old. Many people perceive my brother as a normal university student who has nothing in particular. However, for me, they are wrong.  My brother might look reserved and calm. But, when you actually get to know him, he is exceptional. His mindset, thoughts and qualities differentiate himself from others young adults of his age. He inspires me because he is optimistic no matter what kind of scenarios he is facing. As an example, at the age of 12, when the registration period for the high schools came, he missed the opportunities to apply because he was abroad for some family issues. Therefore, it only let him one chance which is to apply to an IB high school. However, the entrance exam for an IB school is harder than a normal public school. At that time, not only he was facing some family pressures. But, he also needed to overcome his personal pressure because it was the only opportunity left. Even though, he was facing a crucial challenge. He told me that everything would be fine and that there’s always a solution to everything. Additionally, he reminds me that even if he failed the test, he would learn from his failure and do better in the future. Without a doubt, by keeping that mindset and beliefs for all those years, he overcomed many challenges. Now, he works for a successful company as a back-in programmer. On top of that, not only has he reached his goals, but he also inspired me a lot with his speech.

In my perspective, I considered someone as inspirational when they are perseverant, honest and ethical. For me, perseverance is important. In life, you’ll go through many challenges. If you give up whenever you encounter a small obstacle, you won’t go far in life. Apart from that, honesty and ethic are essential because they are the basic characteristics that you need to build trust with others. Human are constantly in interactions with others, if you’re not honest or ethical, you might be rejected or create harms to others. To finish, I think that in order to be considered inspirational, you need to learn from your mistakes. If you want to be successful or happy in life, learning from your mistakes is the first step. It’s by learning from your past mistakes that you could improve yourself and become a better person in the future. Therefore, it is through my brother that I fully understand the following quote: “Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness and bad days give you experience.” – Rocky Balboa

Blog 1 – Men who Inspire

An athlete who has inspired me from a young age is Kobe Bryant. He was in my opinion the greatest shooting guard to play the game of basketball. His dedication and work ethic was like no other. He was a born leader who feared nothing. I was always inspired by his loyalty and hard work. He played his entire 20 year career with the Los Angeles Lakers. Bryant was passionate about everything he did and always pushed himself beyond his limits. His recent passing is very tragic and will have a large effect on many.

Thank you for everything. 

R.I.P Kobe ;/

Blog 1 Men who Inspire

Image result for cristiano ronaldo"

The person who inspires me the most is Cristiano Ronaldo. He is a professional Portuguese soccer player. Ronaldo inspires me because he is not only a very talented player, he has donated a lot of his free time to helping others in need. For instance, in 2005 Cristiano Ronaldo met a tsunami survivor from Indonesia named Martunis. Ronaldo paid for his education by raising funds. He also donates blood regularly. Cristiano Ronaldo is a kind person who is generous with both time and money. I believe these are qualities a person must have to be considered inspirational. In conclusion, Ronaldo is someone we could all learn from.

blog 1: men who inspire

Sidney Crosby is a Canadian hockey player who plays for Pittsburgh. He plays in the national hockey league which is known as the (NHL). He was the first overall pick in 2005, he is known as the best player in the NHL right now. The reason why he inspires me is that he is currently 32 years old and he is still working really hard to get better even though he is the best already. In the case of other good players, we would often see them slow down and get worst since they often get too confident. I met Sidney Crosby two years ago by luck when I was in Mont Tremblant for the weekend during Christmas break. He was training at a hockey outdoor rink by himself while his girlfriend was sitting in the car because Sidney Crosby was using his girlfriend’s boots as cones since he didn’t have any. I went to talk to him and he told me that whatever you do in life, you always have to fight to get better. Sidney Crosby really inspires me since he never gives up and he always hustles to get better at someone that he’s already the best.