Blog 1: Men Who Inspire

There are many famous men who have been inspirational in the world, all around the world. However, the one man in my life who has directly inspired me is my dad. My dad, Joe, was born in 1968 on October 17th in the Royal Victoria hospital. He was raised in Italy up until the age of 5, to come back to Montreal for education. Ever since my dad could remember his life was always hard. He lived in an abusive household with his mother and his father. My grandfather was an alcoholic and an abusive father and husband. Just at the age of 11 my dad found his mother trying to take her own life. She survived but was never the same. His mother moved out when my dad was only 17 and shortly after he followed to live with her. My dad is inspirational to me because even after all his hardships he never turned out to be like his father. He is such a sweet and gentle man. My dad inspires me because he is such a good father despite what has happened to him. He dedicated his life to help others. He is truly selfish and full of love and this is why he inspires me.

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