Blog 1: Men who Inspire

This man is Hocine Aït Ahmed, an Algerian politician born in 1926 who died in 2015. He was one of the principal leaders of Algerian war. He joined the conflict when he was 15 years old. After the Algerian independence, in 1962, due to multiples disagreements, he decides to leave the principal political party in Algeria, FLN ( National Liberation Front), to create the principal opposition party FFS ( Socialists Forces Front). Since then, he fought tirelessly for democracy in Algeria and went to multiples international convention to change Algeria’s future.

This man is one of my principal inspiration because no matter how many obstacles or enemies there were, he never gave up and always defended the interests of the people. Even after being imprisoned, sentenced to death, forced into exile, he still had hope when everyone around had given up. I’m convinced that all country needs more man like him and that he should be an inspiration to everyone that considers justice and democracy as absolute priorities.

-Samy Lakabi

Blog 1: Men who inspire

A man that inspires me?

If you had asked me this question when I was seven, I probably would have chosen my father or uncle. But as I grew older and met different people, a new, much closer family took shape. The man I am presenting you today is one of my closest friends, and considered part of my own little family. His name is William, I have known him for years and the thing about him is, he doesn’t quite fit into society. He’s always had trouble keeping a job, he’s had trouble with girls, consummation, finances and ,in general, doing what he is “supposed” to do. Most of his family and friends started to lose hope in him when he turned 18 and still couldn’t get on the right track and at some point, everyone in his entourage thought he was never going to make it in life. But in the last year, he has grown so much, he started his own company and it has exploded! What is so amazingly inspirational about him, is that he never did this for himself. He created a brand, his brand is the organiser of social events (rave parties) and he hires local DJs and local photographers and makes barely any profit. Every time I hear him talk about it, his eyes sparkle with joy because he is helping people realize their dreams, he is helping local artists grow in the community and this is what makes him the happiest. He is an amazing inspiration to be because of the nobility of his dreams and the hard work he puts into making them come true. Out of absolutely nothing, he succeeded to make a small family of local artists, including me, that all help each other grow. When I am with him he makes me believe in myself like no one has ever done, I am eternally grateful to have him in my life and I have always, and will always, believe in him!

Blog 1: Men Who Inspire

There are many famous men who have been inspirational in the world, all around the world. However, the one man in my life who has directly inspired me is my dad. My dad, Joe, was born in 1968 on October 17th in the Royal Victoria hospital. He was raised in Italy up until the age of 5, to come back to Montreal for education. Ever since my dad could remember his life was always hard. He lived in an abusive household with his mother and his father. My grandfather was an alcoholic and an abusive father and husband. Just at the age of 11 my dad found his mother trying to take her own life. She survived but was never the same. His mother moved out when my dad was only 17 and shortly after he followed to live with her. My dad is inspirational to me because even after all his hardships he never turned out to be like his father. He is such a sweet and gentle man. My dad inspires me because he is such a good father despite what has happened to him. He dedicated his life to help others. He is truly selfish and full of love and this is why he inspires me.

Blog 1: Men who Inspire

My role model

This guy here, he has been my idol for as long as I can remember. He is my definition of the perfect president and he has the biggest heart, for an ex president at least. Unlike the present president, Obama would never dare to think of building walls, or initiating wars. Nonetheless, Obama would never try and separate little children away from their parents. He was the most humble and kindhearted human to ever exist.

Aside from being the first president of color, he supported many causes such as same sex marriage and he even ended a war in Iraq. That being said, he never had the most perfect life himself. His parents underwent a divorce and would not have access to proper education if it weren’t for a scholarship. He is what I call a real president and he will still continue to fight for what’s right. His good qualities are his determination, administration and love he has for his people.

My definition of an inspirational person is someone who younger generations can look up to. Speaking from a young adult’s perspective, if I had people like Obama to aspire to become, I would have grown up to be a better person. To me, an inspirational person is someone who knows their values, morals, and power and take advantage of it to do good things. No one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes but an inspiration is someone who uses their mistakes as a way to warn youngsters to advice them.